Tuesday, September 29, 2009

“Hidden” Costs for Small Business Owners

I am the COO and co-owner of a small business in Texas, which is one of the more favorable locations in this country to own a business. The purchase of Infinite Massage, our chair massage business, produced some hefty costs that event the best of financial planners couldn’t accurately predict.

Don’t get me wrong, we did our due diligence and reviewed their books with a fine-toothed comb prior to purchase. However, as a new business owner who was relocating the business, there were numerous costs that we underestimated. Let’s review a few:

1. Legal Fees: Outside of the purchase price of the business, this was our most significant startup expense. In hindsight, this is a necessary evil for any new business owner. Hopefully you’ll never need these documents, but if you do, they can really save you. And, attorneys (those who know what they are doing) are not cheap.

2. Furniture: Can you spell I-K-E-A? Part of the asset purchase price for us included every tangible asset that the previous business owner owned. Unfortunately, moving desks 1500 miles is counter-productive. We have a limited staff and limited needs, but, these things add up. Establishing a new, functional office with decent furniture can be costly, even if you are bargain shopping.

3. Health Insurance: This one is fairly evident. But, decent health insurance for your family and your employees is costly these days. Just know that this bill comes every month and can be a gut-wrenching check to write. Again, hopefully you don’t need it, but if you do, it better work for you.

4. Employee Perks: This one is something that cannot be avoided in today’s business environment. With tough margins and a competitive marketplace, you better take notice of your employees and provide them with frills that make them feel appreciated. Trust me, finding new qualified individuals to help you run your business is no picnic.

My description of these items as “hidden” is really misleading. I’m not revealing unknown costs in this list. What I am trying to do is let you know that as a potential new business owner, these costs are tangible, significant, and potentially hindering to your success. Don’t forget to factor these things in to your equations when thinking about opening your own shop.

Good luck!

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cool Careers for Dummies

I know everyone knows this series of books "XXX for Dummies". Well, apparently the authors think being a chair massage therapist for a company like Infinite Massage is a pretty cool job. Check out this link...

>> Cool Careers for Dummies

Monday, September 21, 2009

First String, First Fret

Well, the guitar lesson was eye-opening to say the least. As a 35 year old adult, I now realize that if I wanted to be good at playing guitar I should have started in the 20th century. There are only 22 frets with six strings per fret and endless combos of notes. So, I figure by the time I'm 73 I should be able to put together a song. I'm trying to practice for 30 minutes per day but it will be difficult and not nearly enough. Check out this link for an example of the top of the mountain for guitar playing...maybe one of these decades I'll have a shot (probably not).

>> Panic Switch

Friday, September 18, 2009

The Benefits of Chair Massage

Forget the coffee break, take a massage break! In just 15-30 minutes a workplace chair massage can refresh an employee, actually improving health and satisfaction. Any company can experience the benefits of having a work force blessed with low tension levels.

Chair massage differs from traditional massage in that the client remains clothed, and is seated on a special chair which allows him or her to lean comfortably forward, supported by the chair. A face cradle provides a relaxing place to rest the head without twisting the neck. No oils are used for the massage. Massage may be provided by a trained therapist, while motorized recliners offer mechanized massage.

The upper body is the primary repository of stress for those who sit long hours hunched over a desk or craning their necks to stare at a computer screen. Trained stress release therapists are able to reduce neck pain, lessen and control back problems, and relieve tension headaches. Carpel tunnel syndrome sufferers can benefit from stress release therapy, improving their ability to heal. In fact, massage can help prevent repetitive stress injuries.

Most work stations lack ergonomic design, resulting in poor circulation. Poor blood and lymph flow decreases mental awareness, lowers energy and can lead to temporary or permanent disability. Tight muscles shorten and stiffen, becoming susceptible to injury. Massage helps relax tight muscles, increases circulation, improves range of motion and energizes workers who previously felt tight, dull, and fatigued.

Offering chair massage to employees can help build good will. People who feel cared for and cared about are much more likely to work at a higher performance level than those who are stressed and disgruntled. Some businesses call upon the services of a stress release therapist for their employees on a regular basis, making that suggestion of a coffee-break massage a reality! Other companies might offer chair massage at an annual conference, management retreat, or even a company picnic.

Think of how many people are likely to remember the company that offers massage at a promotional event! That company will be the talk of the town long after the imprinted key chains have been misplaced, the balloons deflated and the pens are out of ink. The very personal attention will leave people with warm, positive feelings toward a business that cares.

Companies seeking to recruit the best new employees are always looking for impressive perks that may give them an attractive edge. Regular stress relief sessions might be just the way to bring in highly-sought after talent.

Many stress release therapy services, such as Infinite Massage, will travel to a location with a portable massage chair. For companies who want to reduce expenses while still offering a great service, massage recliners can be compared easily and purchased online through a simple search.

For a company that desires to be concerned with the well-being of its employees, the very personal attention that each client receives from chair massage more than offsets the cost of providing the service.

The Mainstream Emergence of Chair Massage

It is now common knowledge that massage and bodywork have advantages that transform far beyond the scope of the recreational; there are benefits to physical and mental health. Individual productivity and, thereby, workplace focus and efficiency are improved. It is for this reason that the emergence of chair massage has been so instrumental in "mainstreaming" massage practice. It is simple for anyone to justify sitting down on a chair for brief, non-invasive bodywork that will reduce tension and clear his or her mind. This is much easier for many to consider than a more involved session on a table with oils. While the table sessions are also vital forms of bodywork, many will find that level of massage too intense for certain applications. The chair massage perfectly fills the remaining gap.

The modern chair massage industry began, rather harmlessly, as students of bodywork techniques would practice their new skills on coworkers. Massage therapy, in general, became more popular as the 20th century progressed. The realization that adapting the chair, stool, and upright massage techniques into a specialized school, which could be applied in public, resulted in a veritable renaissance for the massage therapist. Now there was consumer interest in massage-on-the-go.

As the participation in massage therapy training grew, David Palmer popularized the modern presentation of chair massage in the 1980s to help expand its application. This style could be used in the mall, the airport, the workplace, and other areas where massage therapy was not socially acceptable before. While seated, upright massage techniques have always existed, the development of them as a specific focus resulted from a natural compatibility with the fast-paced, rat race lifestyle. This brief, fully clothed style of massage proved perfect for the corporate environment. Businesses who were looking for ways to beef up productivity found that a chair massage provided the right physical refreshment. Happier and healthier employees help them realize greater profits. It is this marriage of business productivity and bodywork that has lead to an explosion in interest in chair massage.

When looking to bring productivity to your corporation, or just to spice up a meeting or convention, consider on-site chair massage as a way to satisfy this aim. Infinite Massage makes for an excellent provider of these services. They have a National Network of Certified Massage Therapists who can come out to your event or workplace. Their chair massage techniques will bring stress relief, relaxation, and all of the resulting productivity. For the corporation, this will result in better performance and a stronger bottom line. For the promoted event, it will make for a very compelling reason to attend. Whichever of the myriad reasons attract you to hiring on-site chair massage, Infinite Massage will be able to satisfy your needs.

Onsite Chair Massage Example

As the COO of my own business, at times we like to treat ourselves to the product. Here's a chopped up example of an on-site chair massage from one of our therapists in the Houston area. This was originally a 30 minute massage that I've taken down to 3 minutes. If it looks appealing, it's because it is! Check us out at InfiniteMassage.com

Guitar Lessons Begin Tonight!

I'm taking my very first guitar lesson tonight. I know I'm a little old to pick it up now, but what the heck, I've always wanted to learn. Since I have no idea what I'm doing here's a link to an awesome song to get you revved up...

>> Metallica's Battery LIVE!